Hello readers! I’m back with another report I attended last week.
It’s called CEATEC!
I was there with cofesta. So I got the press pass
- What is CEATEC?
- CEATEC stands for Cutting-Edge IT and Electronics Comprehensive Exhibition (wow, sounds cool nee)
- Where?
- Makuhari Messe, Chiba. The nearest station is Kaihimmakuhari on the Keiyo Line (海浜幕張駅)
- When?
- This year it was held from 7 – 11 October 2014
- What is that?
- So basically it’s an exhibition about the newest technology and IT. If you’re living in Indonesia, you might familiar with Indocomtech. Yes, this event is similar with that one, except more awesome robots I guess.
Let’s take a look!
The wearable 4K. A head-mounted 4K camera.
I tried it before in my campus, and it hurts if you use for a long time.
Plus, I see no advantage compared to GoPro
4K Camera, and
4K Screen. 4K resolution refers to a content or display
that have horizontal resolution on the order of 4000 pixel
The bicycle that will never get puncture. HUH? How come?
Yeah, they did not use air 
I used their sensor prototype before for my uni project.
And it was really cool! Guess what they had….
A freakin robot that can play pingpong!
I can’t get a clear photo because I was too small, and it was really crowded
The robot detects the hand movement and ball direction,
and it’s unbeatable!
Virtual Reality Experience with Oculus
With Oculus Rift head-mounted display, you can experience what it’s like in outerspace
Emopa – The personal assistance
It’s an application on phone that behave like your personal secretary
from waking you up, until remind you about meeting.
Jins MeMe – A google glass look alike
Plus it can be connected with your mobile phone
Smart Car
I’m not sure about this one, but it has a camera that can project
your car information to the front screen
If 4K display does not impress you,
try this… The 8K display.
It was really awesome, that you feel you’re looking at real object
The water-proof smart watch
It can count how much calorie you burn in a day
And… the highlight of this post…..
If you watched Pacific Rim, you might wonder how does it feel to be a Jaeger Pilot.
You have to try this one. With sceletonic, you can move the robot using your body
So if you move your hand, the robot hand will also move
Even you can move the finger!
The thing is… This robot is very heavy. I was struggling just to move my hand. LOL
So, after a long post, I personally things this event is interesting and awesome. But I expect a lot of robot tho… Not many people came. Most of the visitors are businessman.
I do recommend you to visit, if you like robots, technology, and high-tech stuffs. If you don’t, you might find this event somewhat boring.
Thank you for reading. Comments are loved! See you on another event