Hello guys!
Thank you for taking time reading my post.
This post will be my last post in Nagasaki and its surrounding. I’ll take you to Kujuku Shima in Sasebo and Gunkanjima in Nagasaki.
First Stop: Kujuku Shima (99Shima)
Kujuku Shima is group of 208 islands ranging in the west coast of Nagasaki. It is located in Sasebo. If you stay around Huis Ten Bosch, there’s an express train that can take you to Kujuku Shima (30 minutes).
Kujuku Shima di Sasebo, kalo kalian nginap di sekitar Huis Ten Bosch, ada akses bus dan kereta langsung ke Sasebo station (kira-kira sekitar 25-30 menit)
Upon arriving Sasebo station, you need to take Sasebo city bus to the observatory place. I took this church picture while waiting for the city bus.
Pas sampai di Sasebo station, kalian masih harus naik city bus lagi untuk sampai ke observatory.
The price of the bus and the time needed to travel might vary depends on which observatory you want to go. There’re 3 different observatory where you can get the whole view of Kujuku Shima. The Tenkaiho 展海峰 is famous for the sunset view. So many cameramen take the shot here. Ishidake Observatory tower is famous for because The Last Samurai opening scene was taken there. And the last one is the Yumihari Observatory Tower, this one is the most modern one and feel much more like a resort.
Biaya transport dan waktu perjalanan bisa bervariasi tergantung kalian mau ke observatory yang mana. Ada 3 observatory di sini. Tenkaiho observatory bagus untuk sunset viewnya. Ishidake Observatory yang terkenal karena The Last Samurai sempat shooting di sini. Yumihari observation lebih ke arah resort sih, jadi lebih modern gitu feelnya.
As for me, I went to Tenkaiho because I want to get the sunset view. It took around 45 mins by bus to go there, but I don’t remember about the bus fee.
Akhirnya aku ke Tenkaiho observatory soalnya aku lebih pengen lihat sunset viewnya. Perjalannya sekitar 45 menit dari Sasebo station, tapi aku ga inget berapa busnya.
Unfortunately, it was so cloudy I could not get good photos. Next time, will definitely come back here again.
Sayangnya pas aku sampai ke Kujuku Shima cuacanya ga mendukung banget. Jadi ga bisa dapet foto sunset yang bagus. Jangankan foto, sunsetnya aja ketutupan awan..
It’s definitely a beautiful spot. Check the weather before you go. If you want to get a good pictures, I’d recommend Tenkaiho or Ishidake. However, if you are not really fond of photography, you can opt for any other activities. As far as I know, you can go for cruising around the islands for 1400Yen
Honest opinion, kalo kalian ke Huis Ten Bosch, kalian perlu mampir ke Kujuku Shima karena viewnya memang bagus banget. Kalo kalian pengen ambil foto yang bagus, aku lebih rekomen ke Tenkaiho atau Ishidake. Tapi kalo kalian ga terlalu minat sama fotografi banyak juga aktivitas yang bisa dilakukan disini. Kalian bisa naik pleasure boat seharga 1400Yen.
The next day we go to Nagasaki City by train from Huis Ten Bosch Station. These are the last pictures I took before we really left Huis Ten Bosch.
Second Stop: Gunkanjima
I was already putting Gunkanjima as my bucket list since a long time ago. This island is famous because tons of movie are filmed here such as 007 Skyfall and Attack on Titan the movie.
Kalo kalian pernah nonton 007 Skyfall atau Attack on Titan the movie, kalian pasti ga asing dengan Gunkanjima. Yep, film tersebut semua dishooting di Gunkanjima.
Gunkanjima, or originally Hashima Island used to be a rich island with a lot of coal mines. It collapsed when the coal business was not going good and soon, the inhabitants left the island. The name Gunkanjima is given to the island because the shape looks like a battleship (Gunkan).
Gunkanjima sendiri dulunya ditinggali orang orang yang kerja sebagai petambang batu bara. Terus karena orang orang beralih ke sumber daya yang lain, lama lama batu baranya engga laku dan pulau ini ditinggalkan sama penghuninya. Bentuk pulaunya mirip seperti kapal perang (gunkan), makanya pulau ini lebih dikenal dengan nama Gunkanjima.
I went there with a local tour. There several tour offering half day trip to Gunkanjima for 4000-5000Yen. They’ll let you know the meeting point and other stuffs.
Banyak banget tour local yang menawarkan paket ke Gunkanjima. Harganya sekira 4000-5000 Yen. Biasanya si penyedia tour bakal kasih tau dimana meeting pointnya.

Then they’ll take you by boat to the island, it takes around 30 mins from the pier to the island. The weather was so bad that time, the wave was quite big and some people get seasick.
Dari pelabuhan ke Gunkanjima memakan waktu sekitar 30 menit. Buat kalian yang gampang mabuk laut, be prepared. Kadang cuacanya ga mendukung dan ombaknya gede banget.
There’re tons of old building and it was so eerie. It looks like a Ghost Island.
The boat took us around the island before it try to land. YES PEOPLE, THE TOUR TAKE YOU TO WALK AROUND THE ISLAND!!!
However, it was really unfortunate that because of the bad weather, the boat failed to land and we couldn’t explore the island.
Pertama kapalnya bakal muterin pulaunya. Dan kalian bisa lihat gedung gedung tua yang udah ga ada penghuninya. Agak serem ya, dan di sana bener bener ga ada orang sama sekali. Setelahnya, kalo cuaca memungkinkan, kalian akan di bawa jalan jalan di Gunkanjima. Yes, you read it correct, jalan jalan di pulau yang ga ada orangnya.
Because of the bad weather, the boat took us back to the Pier. Don’t worry, the tour will return part of your money if they can’t land, or they’ll offer you a Gunkanjima Museum tour near the pier. I was totally disappointed, but yeah… Another reason to go back to Nagasaki.
Pas aku kesana cuacanya jelek banget dan kapalnya ga bisa berlabuh. Akhirnya kita balik ke pelabuhan di Nagasaki. Biasanya kalo ga bisa mendarat, uang kalian bisa dibalikin (sedikit) atau kalian akan di ajak ke Gunkanjima Museum di dekat pelabuhan.
I am really really recommending this place. It really has the creepy, eerie aura and doesn’t it rise your curiosity?
Check the weather before you go. Usually the tour offers morning tour and afternoon tour. Choose one which is suitable with your schedule.
Recommended banget banget banget. This place really gives me the chills. Jumlah peserta tour juga dibatasi jadi kalo kalian mau ngambil foto juga ga rame banget. Cek dulu cuacanya sebelum kalian berangkat. Biasanya tournya menyediakan paket pagi sama siang. Pilih yang sesuai dengan jadwal kalian.
And that’s all my adventure to Nagasaki. Definitely want to come back here. People know this city as the bombed city during the WW2. However, there’re so many history left in this city beside the bombing one. The food are good (you should try Nagasaki Jyampon and the Castella). There’re so many places to go beside the peace museum (Mt Inasa, Gunkanjima, etc etc).
I know most people from my country go to Tokyo, Osaka, Hokkaido, but Nagasaki is also a beautiful place and it’s worth visited.
See you on the next post and as usual, comments are always loved!