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Sunflowers Field at Yume Bokujyou

Hello Guys!

I came back with another throwback post last summer. For me summer is fireworks, beaches, melting ice cream, and.. sunflowers. And there’s a lot of places where you can go to sunflower fields, the most famous one is in Hokkaido, but there it’s too far. So I opted to go to nearest sunflower fields at Yume Bokujyo.

Halo semuanyaaa! Udah lama ga nulis. Summer tahun lalu aku pergi ke Sunflower fields di Yume Bokujyo. Niatnya sih pengen liat sunflower fieldsnya aja (terus foto foto di antara sunflowers macam di drama Korea begitu), tapi ujung ujungnya seharian juga di Yume Bokujyou. Ngapain aja di sana?

The location

I wrote that I opted to go to a closer place, but actually Yume Bokujyou is not close at all. It is located in Chiba, near the airport. The nearest station will be Namekawa station, 50 minutes by train from Narita Airport. And from Namekawa station, there will be a free shuttle van that van take you to the farm.

Yume Bokujyou juga ga bisa dibilang deket sih dari Tokyo. Letaknya di Chiba, dekat Narita Airport. Dari Narita Airport kalian harus naik Narita Line ke Namekawa station dan dari situ ada shuttle van ke Yume Bokujyou. Perjalanan dari tempat aku tinggal kira kira hampir 2,5 jam dan sekitar 2000¥ sekali jalan (mahaaaaalll!!!!). Kalo kalian bisa nyetir sih mending nyetir aja.

Yume Bokujyou

The entrance fee is 1400¥ for adults. Yume Bokujyou also has a dog run for your furry little friends. You can bring your dog here and the entrance fee for your dog is between 500 to 1000¥ depends on the size of your dog.

Biaya masuk ke Yume Bokujyou ini 1400¥. Nah kalian bisa bawa doggy kalian ke sini soalnya di dalam Yume Bokujyou ada dog run khusus buat doggy kalian.

The word bokujyou itself means a farm. Therefore, there’re animals that you can meet in the normal farm.

There’s an open sheep and goat stall when you can feed and pet the sheeps and goats. I think this farm is good to educating small children about animals. There’re lot of parents brought their children here. I went here on public holiday so this place was pretty much crowded.

Pas aku main ke sana, banyak banget orang tua yang bawa anaknya kesini. Di Yume bokujyou ini ada beberapa spot di mana kalian bisa kasi makan kambing, domba, kelinci, dan binatang lainnya. Mungkin karena itu banyak orang tua yang bawa anaknya ke sini jadi mereka bisa menyatu sama alam, kanaa….

They even have a small lesson to teach the visitors how to milk the cow. I did not try it tho. I prefer to go to the Guinea Pigs spot and interact with this cute animal.

When you go to the Guinea Pig petting spot, they’ll hand you a small basket. Then you go the Guinea Pigs house and you’ll pick one of them and transfer it to you basket. You’re not allowed to hold it with your hand. Probably because they’re afraid you’ll drop it and hurting the small animal.

Nah cara megang si Guinea Pig ini juga unik. Jadi pas kalian masuk ke kandangnya, kalian akan dikasih keranjang. Nah terus di dalam kandangnya itu ada beberapa Guinea Pig. Kalian pilih salah 1 terus pindahin ke keranjang kalian. Kalian ga boleh gendong si Guinea Pignya pake tangan. Mungkin staffnya takut si Guinea Pig ini jatuh terus kesakitan kali ya…

And there’re hamsters… These fellas can’t be pet tho.


And rabbits.

Don’t forget to wash and disinfect your hands before and touching these animals. There are several basins near the petting zones to wash your hands.

If you’re hungry there’s a glass house inside the farm that sells food and ice cream. It was very hot and my ice cream melted so quickly. And if you’re lucky, you’ll find an ice lady. The ice lady is one of the staffs walking around with spray machine and she’ll spray you with cold water. Yeah, summer here is that crazy.

Di Yume Bokujyou juga ada beberapa spot yang menjual makanan atau snack. Dan pas lagi panas panasnya kadang ada staff yang keliling sambil bawa mesin spray, terus mereka bakal semprotin air dingin ke semua orang. Summer di sini memang panas banget sih.

The Sunflower field

And the highlight for today post is…. The sunflowers field. I went here early on August, because I thought the sunflowers were already tall enough.. Well, when I came there, they were tall already.

Their height were around my chest level and the staffs told me they’re still growing. It’s better if you go in mid to late August since they’ll be even taller.

Pas aku ke sana sunflowernya udah tinggi sih, tapi kata staffnya itu masih belum ada apa apanya. Mereka bisa tambah tinggi lagi. Jadi mereka rekomendasikan untuk datang pas pertengahan atau akhir Agustus.

To go to this sunflower fields, you’ll need to pay another additional 300¥. Actually, the field is not that big.

Untuk jalan jalan di sunflowers fieldnya kalian harus bayar lagi sekitar 300¥.

I went back home around 4PM because I was tired and nothing much to see or do. It was too hot and the sun makes it hard to take photos.

There’re some souvenir shop near the exit and I took several photos before going back.

My honest thought

It’s good to visit here if you have extra time and you stay around Narita. If not, then don’t.


  • Dog run, you can bring your dogs.
  • Not so many places where you can go and interact with farm animals around Tokyo


  • It’s pretty far, you’ll end up spend around 5 hours en-route if you’re not staying around Narita
  • The sunflowers field are small
  • Not so many things you can do here.

Kesimpulannya, aku bakal rekomendasiin tempat ini kalau kalian menginap sekitar Narita atau kalian lagi nunggu flight kalian dan ga tau mau ngapain.

Tempatnya jauh dan sunflower fieldnya agak kecil. Kalau kalian pengen liat sunflowers field, rasanya ada banyak tempat lain yang lebih bagus.

That’s all for my post this time. See you on my next post and as usual, your comments are always loved!


One Comment

  1. Katherin Rosalina Katherin Rosalina

    Hi angelll

    Apa kabar? Btw aku ad DM kamu low di insta –
    Aku ad rencana ke jepang nii tapi bingung ama transportnya hahaha –

    Btw ngel kamu sibuk kah ntar ngel hahaha – baca DM ku ya ngel –


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