Hey!! My boyfriend suggests me to write both in Indonesian and English. So, I’ll write this post both in Indonesia and English. On my previous post, I wrote a lot about my travel in Korea. I spent around 8 days there and I spent my last day in Korea by exploring Seoul (and last minute shopping) lol.
Jadi, buat kalian yang baru pertama kali mampir ke blog aku, kemarin aku sempat nulis banyak tentang travel di Korea, dan ini adalah bagian terakhir dari travelog aku di Korea: foto foto di Seoul.
(It feels weird writing in Indonesian because I got used to Japanese and English)
First Stop: Namsan Hanok Village.
We opt to go to this Hanok Village because it’s really close to our hotel in Myeongdong (like 15 mins walk) and it less “touristy” compared to Bukcheon Hanok Village.
(First stop hari ini adalah… jeng jeng jeng.. Namsangol Hanok Village. Lokasinya deket banget dari hotel kita di Myeongdong, sekitar 15 menit jalan kaki dan kata tour guide kita, disana lebih sedikit turisnya, jadi lebih enak kalo mau foto foto).
No admission fee and you can enjoy a lot of crafting activity (with additional fee). I really wanted to try the Hanbok and I could not do that in Bukcheon Hanok Village. Luckily, near the entrance of Namsangol Hanok Village, there is a place that rent the Hanbok (traditional Korean clothes).
Namsangol Hanok Village ini bebas tiket masuk dan di dalamnya kalian bisa nyobain berbagai kegiatan (tapi bayar 😛 hehhee). Karena dari sebelumnya pengen banget nyobain pake Hanbok, aku sewa hanbok di deket pintu masuknya Namsangol Hanok Village.
The fee to rent the hanbok is 10000Won for 1 hour. The shop will also do a simple hair-do and make-up for you and they’ll take 1 picture of you inside the studio.
Biaya rental hanboknya 10000Won (sekitar IDR 100.000 kali ya..), termasuk 1 kali foto di dalam studio yang ada di rental shopnya.
Then, sorry for my shameless self, I’m just going to post all my pictures here. I did not take any photos of the scenery 🙁 LOL
Daaannn….. narsis time! LOL
And yes, there were not so much tourists, but there were a lot of couples doing their pre-wedding photos here.
Memang ga banyak sih turisnya, tapi banyak banget yang pre-wed di Namsangol Hanok Village.
Intermezzo: Lunch
I had my lunch in a restaurant in Myeongdong. I don’t know the name, but it was really good. If you walk down the alley behind Sejong Hotel in Myeongdong, the restaurant is located right at the end of the alley.
Lunchie Menu: Jokpal (Pig Feet) and Samgyetang (Chicken Soup)
Second Stop: Namsan N tower
I went to Namsan N tower. A lot of couples go there and attach their lock in the fences. From up there, you can see most of the city landscape. BUT!!! The weather was so bad that even we went all the way up there, it was so foggy and we can’t see anything. 🙁
Nest stop is… Namsan N tower. Di sini kita bisa naik Cable Car sampai ke atas, terus banyak banget couple yang masang gembok di pagernya. Saking banyaknya, gemboknya bisa dibentuk kayak pohon.
The cable car fee is 8500Won and it opens until late night (11Pm – 12PM during the weekend).
Biaya untuk naik ke observatorinya 8500Won (IDR 85.000) dan Namsan N Tower buka sampai malam lho. Di atas juga ada restoran dan snack vendor.
I got that churros ice cream and my dad got the tornado potato.
Actually, you can get inside the tower and go even higher. But in my case, it was foggy and we can’t see anything. So we went up and just explore the plaza.
Jadi sebenernya kita bisa masuk ke towernya dan masuk ke observatorinya. Sayang banget pas aku ke sana, cuacanya lagi jelek banget. Itu masih jam 3 sore dan udah berkabut banget, ga bisa lihat apa apa.
If you decided to go into the tower and observatory, you need to pay additional 10000Won..
Kalo kalian mau masuk ke observatorinya, kalian perlu membayar extra 10000Won.

And that’s all for my adventure in Korea. Thank you for reading. And if you need any help with your trip to Korea or if you have any question, or want to know my detailed itinerary, feel free to drop my a message or comment. I’ll answer u asap.
Dan… sekian perjalanan saya di Korea (ceileehh bahasanya). Makasi banget udah mampir dan baca blog ini. Kalo kalian mau tanya tanya seputar itinerary aku di Korea, feel free buat tinggalin komen di post ini.
Have a good day everyone!