I come up with another post about travel in Japan – Nagasaki!! This place is full of good food, good people and beautiful places. I’ll post some of my photos in Huis Ten Bosch this time. However, actually I have tons of photos around Huis Ten Bosch, so I’ll split the post into 2 parts. Hope you enjoy it.
Hola! Kali ini aku bakal nulis tentang Nagasaki. Banyak banget tempat yang wajib dikunjungin dan makanannya enak enak juga lho. (Tetep ya, makanan hahaha). This time, aku bakal post beberapa foto di Huis Ten Bosch. Sebenernya banyak banget sih, jadi aku pisah postnya jadi 2 part. Let’s goo!
First Stop: Huis Ten Bosch
If you go by plane from Tokyo to Nagasaki, bad news. There’s no direct train access in Nagasaki Airport. The good news, there’s a direct bus from the Airport to Huis Ten Bosch. Huis Ten Bosch is located between Nagasaki City and Sasebo City.
Kalo kalian datang ke Nagasaki naik pesawat dari Tokyo, kabar buruknya, ga ada akses kereta dari dan ke Nagasaki Airport. Kabar baiknya, ada direct bus dari Nagasaki Airport ke Huis Ten Bosch.

The entire journey will cost you 1250¥ and 1,5 hours. Huis Ten Bosch itself is a Netherlands Theme Park. It is famous for its illumination in winter (it is considered as the biggest and prettiest).
Jarak dari Nagasaki Airport ke Huis Ten Bosch dapat ditempuh dalam 1,5 jam dan kalian harus merogoh kocek sebesar 1250¥. Huis Ten Bosch sendiri adalah taman rekreasi bertemakan Netherlands dan illumination di sini dikenal sebagai salah satu illumination yang paling besar dan bagus.
(Even the trash can is Western-ish)
There’s a lot of hotel near Huis Ten Bosch. One of them is Okura JR Hotel which building you can see from the entrance of Huis Ten Bosch. I stay at Hen na Hotel which is also not far from there. It’s a new hotel with a unique concept where almost everything is operated by robot. I will write about this hotel on my next post. ]
Di deket Huis Ten Bosch ini ada banyak banget hotel, salah satunya Okura JR Hotel yang bangunannya keliatan dari pintu masuk Huis Ten Bosch. Kalo aku, aku nginep di Hen na Hotel. Hotel ini termasuk baru dan hampir semuanya dioperasikan oleh robot. Ulasan Hen na Hotel di post berikutnya ya hehehe.

The entrance fee for Huis Ten Bosch is 6700 yen (park admission and unlimited entry to most attractions) or you can choose a cheaper option for 4200 yen (park admission only). This park open from 9AM to 10PM.
Biaya masuknya sekitar 6700¥ (termasuk atraksi) atau 4200 kalo kalian ga minat sama atraksinya.
(That’s the mascot, Churi!)
The theme park was separated into Theme Park zone and Harbor Zone. There’re are a lot of attraction in Theme Park Zone. It also has the real size replica of Domtoren of Utretch.
Taman ini dibagi jadi 2 distrik, Theme Park Zone dan Harbor Zone. Kebanyakan atraksinya ada di Theme Park Zone. Di sini ada replika dari menara Dom di Utrecth. Real size.
We can go to the observatory deck on top of Domtoren and we can see the entire park.
Kita bisa naik sampe ke observatori yang ada di puncak menara Dom ini.
There is a ferris wheel and the replica of Palace Huis Ten Bosch in the Theme Park Zone. Also, the decoration in Theme Park Zone are made to reproduce Dutch old town.
Di Theme Park Zone juga ada bianglala dan dekorasi di Theme Park Zone juga dibuat agar menyerupai Belanda jaman dulu.
The other thing you can’t miss out from Theme Park Zone is it’s Haunted House part. It has around 9 haunted houses with different theme (on of them use the VR) and the decorations there are also spooky.
Yang ga boleh kalian lewatin dari Theme Park Zone adalah bagian rumah hantunya. Ada sekitar 9 rumah hantu dan temanya berbeda-beda. Salah satunya pake VR lho. Dekorasinya juga serem serem.
And there is this wall with peep hole and when u peek there, it will show a scary video. LOL
Ada juga tembok penuh jebakan betmen. Coba aja diintip kalo berani.
There’re several art museum and installation in Theme Park Zone. When I came, there’re tons of umbrella installation. There’s also a small trick art museum inside.
Di Theme Park Zone ini ada beberapa art museum dan instalasi seni. Pas aku kesana sih lagi dipasang ratusan payung. Lumayan, ngurangin panasnya summer di Jepang hehehe.
(I went there with my friend, Pamela. If you’re wondering what’s the patch on my knee, I just fell down on the road the day before this trip.)
In addition, you don’t have to worry if you’re getting hungry. There’s some restaurant and cafe in Theme Park Zone.
Harbor Zone
If there’re already a lot of restaurant in Theme Park Zone, then in Harbor Zone, there’re much more restaurant and.. don’t forget the Arcade House. In Harbor Zone, there’s a real size replica of De Liefde, which is the first Dutch ship that landed in Japan.
Kalo di Theme Park Zone banyak restoran, di Harbor Zone lebih banyak lagi makanannya. Di Harbor Zone ini juga ada Arcade House dan replika dari kapal De Liefde, kapal Belanda pertama yang mendarat di Jepang
I went there on summer and because of that, I got the opportunity to see the Ajisai Garden (Hydrangea Flower).
Oh yeah, there’re several European-styled hotel inside Haus Ten Bosch, such as Europe Hotel and Amsterdam Hotel. They’re pricy, but if you inquire in the Haus Ten Bosch gate, you might get a discount.
Di dalam Harbor Zone ini ada beberapa hotel bergaya Eropa seperti Hotel Europe dan Hotel Amsterdam. Mahal sih… Tapi kalo kalian tanya ke informasi, siapa tahu bisa dapat diskon.
Anyway, I still have so many photos in Huis Ten Bosch and Hen na Hotel to be shared. However, this blog post is too long already. I will share it on my next post. As usual, your comments are always appreciated!
(Anyway, karena postnya udah kepanjangan, foto foto di Huis Ten Bosch sama Hen na Hotelnya disambung di next post yaa.. Capek ngetiknya hehee. Anyway, jangan lupa commentnya. Have a good day!)